I started dancing when I was three years old in tap, jazz & ballet. In my teens I trained to become a professional ballet dancer. After a chronic leg injury and an eating disorder, I was forced to quit and was guided to the magical world of Ballroom Dancing.

I've had the honour of competing professionally and representing my country, owning my own studio and  becoming a national dancesport judge, all while being able to touch thousands of lives by helping others experience the joy of dance through coaching.

Through my own struggle with confidence and worthiness, and after participating in the dance industry for most of my life,  I noticed an underlying theme…

"It's not just dancers that don't feel good... women in general don't feel good... women are apologetic in so many ways.”

I kept asking myself, “Why?" 

This continual question sparked not only an interest, but a mission in me to make a change! The first step was to take to the leap and change myself. I was determined to figure out how an introverted, shy and insecure personality could be a bombshell on the dance floor. I set out on a mission to find a team of teachers that could help me and they did! As I conquered my limiting beliefs one by one things started to shift. In fact, my entire life changed because I had the confidence to show up centre stage. Then BOOM! I realized that if I could transform... ANYBODY could transform and I needed to tell everybody that "SEXY" and confidence is skill and you can learn it!

My solution? I created  Burlesquercise Canada a company set out to provide a safe, fun and vibrant place where women of all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities could shine and finally step into the spotlight they deserved. 

For two decades now, I have made it my mission to help women feel their absolute best throughout every stage of womanhood. As my following continued to grow, I decided it was time to go global!

I’ve had the privilege of helping women heal their limiting beliefs and transform their mind and bodies all while having a blast! I would have never thought in a million years that now I am considered confidence specialist. I am often hired to assist with all types of people such as dancers, figure skaters, models, circus performers, burlesque artists, actors, fitness athletes, beauty contestants and the list goes on!

Together we are going against the standard of what society says is acceptable and beautiful proving that when we’re able to step outside of our comfort zone, magic happens!

 My Professional Bio...

About B2B creator Diana Lefebvre...
Known as one of Canada's dancing sweethearts, Calgary based Diana Lefebvre is one of the most innovative and creative dance educators and professionals on the scene. Originally trained in ballet, Diana has spent over 25 years in the Ballroom Dance industry as a competitor, coach, studio owner, event organizer and national judge. Diana's mission is to empower women by providing dance opportunities for ladies of all shapes, sizes, ages and levels so they can live out their dancing dreams.
Diana's own life long struggle with body image and confidence eventually forced her down a path of healing and empowerment. In 2003, by combining the unique genres of Ballroom and Burlesque, she started to teach classes and share her empowerment method. In 2008, she created her award winning fitness dance company Burlesquercise Canada and since has literally taught thousands of women how to dance. Diana also specializes in performance confidence and often works as a consultant for figure skaters, ice dancers, fitness athletes, circus performers, singers, actors and dancers.